Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Hello Everyone,
I am starting to sound like a broken record, but we did have another great day with Miss Lucy. She was very playful and smiley today. She of course eats her snack, and then she is ready to explore. Today we played with Sam, a little 12 month old boy who's parents just went to court today (and everything went great). Lucy is such a little flirt, she kept wanting to be closer to them, and hanging on Lisa, the Mom. It was very funny : )

Lucy had something sticky in her hair today, we couldn't figure out what. Of course I tried to wash it out, with out much luck (as you will see in the pictures). She also clapped for us when swinging with Jon. She was a very happy girl today.

We have another family working with our coordinator. They started there visits today, and they are adopting an 18 month old girl. They will have the same visiting time as us, so that will be another little face for Lucy to see. She does seem to love being around the other Children.

Tonight Jon and I are going to eat out. The apartment has treated us well, but we can only eat so many sandwiches or so much pasta : ) So we are off to the "Soho Almaty Club". We of course have eaten there twice before, but the food is good and we like it. We like to keep things simple........

Enjoy the smiles of the day : )

1 comment:

Nana said...

So happy to see that smiling face. Nana can't wait to smother it with kisses. Hurry home Little Lucy.