Saturday, June 9, 2007


We hope everyone is having a great weekend : )

We visited Miss Lucy this morning, and boy did we have our hands full. She was not in a good mood to say the least. When we arrived they had her outside with her group, and she needed to have her clothes changed (not sure why they wait until we arrive to do it but this seems to be the trend in the morning). I went in with the caregiver and she tried to change Lucy. Boy did she have a fit!! She was screaming and arching her back, and banging her head on the changing table (is this what I really have to look forward too? kidding).

The caregiver was very good with her and got her dressed quickly, and then she came right to me no problem. That's when the fun begins!! She proceeded to scream through most of our visit. She didn't want to be held, didn't want to eat, and didn't want to be put in the end (as you will see in the pictures) we doubled up with little Ali in her group (he is being adopted by Rosemarie from Toronto, she is very nice) and pushed the kids around in the stroller. Lucy was better at this point, but still had her moments.

We decided she was very over tired and we are back to loving our afternoon visits : )

Of course we love all our visits with Lucy, and today was no exception. We have been spoiled by so many great days, that a cranky day must have been in order : )

After our visit we went the Museum of Kazakh History. It was very interesting to see and we were glad we got to go with our translator to explain the exhibits to us.
We were not allowed to take pictures (of course) but the building was beautiful on the inside. We saw wonderful rugs and wall hangings in the gift shop. We might have to go back before we are home for good : )

We will have an update about staying or going on Monday afternoon (Zhaniya is going back to the court house on Monday morning). We hope to have time to post our update (because we hope we are not leaving, that means we got a court date in a reasonable time frame).

Wish us luck, we sure need it : )

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