Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Sorry this update is a day late. We were actually busy on Monday, too busy to come to the internet cafe (this is a good thing : ) We got a call from Ivonne and Dan (and Jadyn of course) to see if we wanted to go for a walk, and out to lunch. We of course said YES! We walked around the city for an hour or so, and went to lunch at the Soho Almaty Club. They had a large menu, and Ivonne and Dan had eaten there before and said the food was good. Jon and I were both went with cheese pizza, and it was actually good : ) I think next time we eat there (we would go back) we would venture out a bit and try something different. As you know, we are the PB&J King and Queen, so pizza was a big step for us!

We then went for our daily visit with Lucy. She was a little hesitant when she saw me, and cried for a second when her caregiver handed her over. We were asked to bring her outside, and bring her back in 30 minutes for her snack. We of course busted out he banana and juice as soon as we went out, and when it was time to bring her in she wanted NO part of her hot unpasturized milk, or cookie. She actually had a full blown melt down and was screaming. Her caregiver tried to get her to take it, but she kept swatting and screaming. She quickly took her bib off and told us we could take her back out. Lucy was all smiles and happy to go back outside. We of course snuck her a little cookie and some more juice. The banana was a huge hit, so we will continue to bring that on our daily visits.

We hope you enjoy the pictures. I think we got a few more smiles today : )

We also added a picture of Jadyn : )


Bohdan said...

Smiles! Real smiles! So good to see!

Unknown said...

Soon Lucy will be sitting eating bannans in my living room with Grant and Sienna. THat was matt's comment. He is really into this blog. His is so frustrated by the process though it makes him crazy. This crazy waiting.