Saturday, May 26, 2007

Happy Saturday : )

Today was a beautiful day in Almaty. We went to the baby house in the morning and it was great to see other American/and Canadian families visiting their babies. We for some reason were given the later time Monday-Friday, but all the other families come earlier (we asked to go earlier, but we were told it's too crowded). It's too bad, because Lucy definitely seemed a little more spunky and interested in what was going on around her. She even smiled for a woman from Connecticut. I was a bit jealous, but also happy to see her smile : )

Lucy did not want to get down and play, and she is definitely giving her Daddy a run for his money. Lucy likes to reach for me and tease Daddy when he is holding her. She does a fake cry, almost like a cough. It's actually quite cute.

As you will see food is something she will take from us no problem. It's hard to get a picture of her without a cookie in her mouth! We were told we could bring some banana on Monday.

We hope everyone has a wonderful long/holiday weekend!


Melissa said...

I'm so glad to see that you all are fast becoming a real family! It is wonderful to read your blog and see the pictures you post...keep 'em coming!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful sweetie pie! It looks like you are all getting to know one another and becoming a beautiful family..I'm so happy to see you all together.

Unknown said...

Making great progress with Lucy. The orphanage seems so controling. It would make me crazy. Bring her good stuff she will get better sooner. Any fruit is better than sugary apple juice and cookies. Poor sweetie needs some vit c to fight the infection. Their rules seem ridiculous