Thursday, July 26, 2007

What a week!

Would you believe it if I told you I was too busy to come to the Internet cafe to download pictures and update the blog? I have managed to be TOO BUSY.....This is a great thing, helps to pass the time....I am down to 2.5 days until my Mother arrives...I can't believe it!! I am SO excited!!.........

Sunday was a not so fun day....I decided to sleep late, read, and then take the bus up to the Ram Mall (about 4 miles from my apartment). Figures all went too smoothly and I was out the door, on the bus in seconds and at the mall 15 minutes later. I thought I would look in the stores and blow off some time...Bad idea...these stores are so high end, and so highly staffed that they stare at you, and follow you around as if you are either a. going to steal, or b. they wan the sale! Not sure, but either way it didn't make looking around much fun....I hit the Ram store and bought a $15 American book for $26, but it was well worth the splurge, considering I have read about 4 books in a week. The weather hasn't been great, so it's hard to spend any time outside. After my Ram store shopping I decided to walk home.....well I made it about 1/2 and it started to rain. I realized I was at a bus stop at this point, and once again the bus was there waiting for me. So I jumped on and went home. This sounds like it took a while, right? Try 1.5 hours.....I was crushed when I got home and realized this....I read some more, made some dinner and watched 3 episodes of Grey's Anatomy. That was the highlight of the week, the treat I had been saving. I am such a looser, please someone remind me of that...HA HA

Monday I went and visited Lucy in the afternoon....Once again not great weather, but she is a trooper and always wants to be outside, so I took her out and we hung on one of the porches with a cover....she of course wanted to be down on the dirt running around....we had a bit of a power struggle...which seems to be the trend these an 18 month thing?....Not really sure......

Tuesday I visited in the morning, what a visit!!...I got to see the baby house go swimming in there pool (as you will see in the pictures, which do it no justice, the pool is not something that would even be up to code at home)....It was so great!!...First the older children went in, and they were splashing and screaming and having so much fun (as you will see the children go in naked..hehehe)...then the younger joined in, and before I knew it Lucy's group was going in. Lucy at first just sat with me and we watched, and took a few pictures. Before long she was reaching for her caregiver and wanted in on the pool fun. She was so funny, stripped down naked and in the pool...they dunked her and splashed her, and she didn't seem bothered at all....Hopefully this means good things to come with pools and the beach......

After the visit I went to lunch at the Hyatt with Joseph and Patricia and we headed to the Almaty art museum. It was a great diversion for the afternoon....The Hyatt is fantastic in every way and the food was great...the museum was interesting, but you know me...not much of a museum goer.....

Wednesday was an impossible picture-taking day with Lucy. She was on the move!! She is very determined to take the steps alone, to walk alone and to do just about everything on her own. If you try to hold her hand, she pulls it away and screams. We have some work to do on the screaming end of things, but all and all I think she is feeling more confident on her feet and wanting to explore....She sure keeps Momma busy during the visits.....and like clock work at 11 she lost it and was ready for a nap...I took her for a stroll around the grounds and then brought her in at 11:30 for lunch....she was trying to escape out the door, she wasn't ready to go back to her group...her caregiver grabbed her and for the first time she reached for me...I hope we are making some progress....little does Lucy know she only has a few more days in the baby house, and she will be in the apartment with Nana and I....WOO HOO

After the baby house we headed to the green market to but a stroller...Joseph, Patricia and Asila came along and we bought a nice stroller (nice enough) for about $35 US and a fan for the bedroom....I got a life time warrantee on the fan, just in case we have any issues : )

I am visiting Lucy this afternoon, so I will likely update today's pictures and news tomorrow, depending on the time.....and then the weekend is here again!!...HOORAY for the week flying by.......

Sorry for the long update...just trying to back track a bit......

Love, Julie and Lucy

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